“Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in order to root us more deeply in the divine filiation, incorporate us more firmly into Christ, strengthen our bond with the Church, associate us more closely with her mission, and help us bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds. Confirmation, like Baptism, imprints a spiritual mark or indelible character on the Christian’s soul; for this reason one can receive this sacrament only once in one’s life.” Catechism of the Catholic Church 1316-1317
By a signing with the gift of the Spirit, Confirmation enriches the baptized with the Holy Spirit, binding them more perfectly to the Church, and strengthening them in their witness to Christ by word and deed and in their work to bring to its fullness the Body of Christ.
Confirmation is one of the sacraments of initiation, along with Baptism and Holy Communion. While Baptism is the sacrament of rebirth to a new and supernatural life, Confirmation is the sacrament of maturity and coming of age. It is conferred by the anointing of Chrism oil and the laying on of hands by the Bishop. The Sacrament of Confirmation draws us into a greater awareness of the Holy Spirit, which we received at Baptism. Through this sacrament, we confirm the presence of the baptismal gifts we have already received; we are sealed with the undeserved and unearned gift of the Holy Spirit.
In the Archdiocese of Boston, Confirmation is a 2-year program. Students at St. Michael Parish begin preparation in the 8th grade, continue classes in the 9th, and receive Confirmation at the beginning of their 10th grade year. Regular participation in the Saint Michael’s Religious Education program is expected in order to enroll your child in this sacramental program. The requirements are the same for children enrolled in Catholic school, public school and for those who are home-schooled.
Come Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.
Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In the same Spirit help us to relish what is right
and always rejoice in your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.